1,216 sq ft // 3 beds // 2 baths
Glamour Bath
Lino in the living areas
Lino throughout available for $200
Outside water faucet on rear
House type front door
Cottage (9 light) rear door
16 inch on center floor joists
Thermopane windows
Wire shelf above the washer/dryer
Plumbed for an icemaker
Much more!
The home series and floor plans indicated will vary. Atkinson Homes can quote you on specific prices and terms of purchase for specific homes. TRU invests in continuous product and process improvement. All home series, floor plans, specifications, dimension, features, materials, availability, and starting prices shown on this website are artist’s renderings or estimates, and are subject to change without notice. Dimensions are nominal and length and width measurements are from exterior wall to exterior wall.
Prices exclude tax, skirting and AC. Prices include delivery, set-up, trim-out and steps.